The financial and neuro-sales influencer, MirelisSanatamaría and the Casa Propia marketing team will work hand in hand to create audiovisual content for each project.
Our real estate unit, Casa Propia, and Mirelis Santamaría completed this March new videos of the audiovisual plan that we will have for the social networks of the La Valdeza and La Floresta projects, as part of the long-term agreement reached between both parties.
From now on, Mirelis and the Casa Propia will work hand in hand, month after month, to prepare interesting content to share with our clients on the social networks of each project of the group, La Valdeza and La Floresta. The plan will include: lives, reels, audioposts, capsules and corporate videos.
So we invite you to follow our Instagram accounts and participate in each Live, at @promotoralavaldeza and @promotoralafloresta, and nourish yourself with the interesting content that we will be generating for the benefit of our clients and followers