The Panamanian Chamber of Construction (CAPAC) carried out last January the formal act of inauguration of the Board of Directors for the period 2022, chaired by Carlos Allen, who was sworn in by his predecessor Jorge Lara, at the headquarters of the construction union.
Lara, as outgoing president, listed the actions carried out during 2020 and 2021, critical years due to the pandemic and the most difficult in the history of the construction union. His task was aimed at uniting the efforts of CAPAC members in order to safeguard an industry hard hit by the restrictions derived from the public health crisis caused by covid-19.
The pandemic would change the entire panorama and the objectives compared to the vision of economic solutions that had been proposed before the crisis. In the midst of the national health emergency, the CAPAC board chaired by Lara led the union’s actions in conjunction with the national government to address the economic aspects of the pandemic, as well as its health effects.
CAPAC promoted the activation of projects of a significant number of companies, as well as the insertion into working and productive life of a good part of the 150,000 active workers in the industry when the health emergency began in 2020.
Under the presidency of Lara, CAPAC promoted biosafety protocols, which was reflected in the low incidence of infections in construction works.
The union also participated in the debates for the promulgation of laws such as Law 255 of November 17, 2021, which extends the validity and updating of the preferential interest regime.
In his first official speech as president of the union, Allen praised the achievements of his predecessor, and assured that he will continue with the efforts made to contribute to the national economic recovery, the promotion of national and foreign investment and the continuity of important investment projects. public.
“I assume the most serious commitment to continue with the role that corresponds to CAPAC as a vehicle that contributes to the solution of the most belligerent social problems, such as the improvement of purchasing power, through the creation of jobs, as well as contributing to the solution of the country’s housing problem”, said Allen.
He also referred to the need to improve the infrastructures that support national progress, as well as to maintain a comprehensive vision with sectors of special concern, such as education, health, citizen security, transparent State action and the commitment to support the national development in the rules that govern democracy as the best way of life in society.
Allen said that he will maintain the procedures for the collection of accounts withheld and for the progress of works in the public sector, the creation of new jobs, the promotion of the activity of the related sectors of the industry and everything that is favorable to stimulate construction.
Source: CAPAC